Friday, 30 October 2009


Hi everyone, hope all is well.
Thanks Trish for setting this up.

Work Experience

Hello all,

Just finished two days of work experience at Merrist Wood. I spent Wednesday installing an irrigation system to one of the benches in Greenhouse 3. It provides a misty light watering for plants that only require moisture and not a drenching. And today I've been helping to re-skin the twin poly-tunnel at the far side of the nursery. It was quite a handful as the wind picked up.


Ceri drives a tractor...

Loving your work Trish! Here's one for you Ceri...


Wow this is amazing.......your such a star! Thankyou!!!! x

Unit 11: Specialised Machinery Photos

Unit 11: 11P2, 11M2, 11D2 - Specialised Hort Machinery - DUE: 19/03/2010

Base unit on 4 machines and same info can be referenced to and from Unit 5 Machinery Portfolio

Pass - 11P2 Operate specialised hort machinery - provide photographic tutor SIGNED evidence
Merit - 11M2 Carry out risk assessment for 4 selected machines
Distinction - 11D2 - Draw up codes of practice for 4 selected machines AND justify them                                              

Unit 3: Skills/Plant Knowledge - Asiatic Garden

P1 - Identify plants - 7 plant ID exercises
P2 - Practical Assignment - Select Plants and justify
P3 and P4 - Logbooks - Cultivate, plant and maintain garden - activities throughout year
M1-4 and D1-4 all short assignments throughout year

Unit 6: Work Experience - DUE ?

240hrs of practical work experience.
Assignment still to be provided


For any other questions, comments parties !!

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Unit 1:P1/M1/D1 - Investigative Project- DUE: 19/11/09

P1. "Describe" a relevant investigation topic. Select THREE topics of interest and write a SHORT description of investigation objectives.

M1. Select ONE topic of greatest value to you and write a report explaining why it was selected, and why the alternative two were rejected.

D3. Identify and "collect" information sources for selected project, using the Harvard system referencing.  (Eight sources of info in three formats; e.g Books, Websites, Journals, evaluate importance in helping you)

Photos: 1st Tractor Driving 09/10/2009

Unit 4:Hort Science Logbook DUE: ?

Unit 5: P1/P3/M3/D1 - Land based Machinery - Assignment DUE: 04/12/09

For five operations:
Identify a suitable machine, state its power source, and explain its purpose. You must provide illustrations of your chosen machine.(Pass)
Operate the machine to high standard (Pass)

Explain safety precautions for machine and draw up a safety efficiency code of practice and risk assessment (Merit)

With the help of pictures/diagrams explain how the machine or attachment works - operating principles (Distinction)