Friday, 30 October 2009

Work Experience

Hello all,

Just finished two days of work experience at Merrist Wood. I spent Wednesday installing an irrigation system to one of the benches in Greenhouse 3. It provides a misty light watering for plants that only require moisture and not a drenching. And today I've been helping to re-skin the twin poly-tunnel at the far side of the nursery. It was quite a handful as the wind picked up.



  1. Just finished my own work experience day; the final full day clearing up my neighbours front garden and have just started on the back, after them not having touched it for 3 years, I was a bit shocked when I went round the back and wondered why I ever offered to do it and where to start. Just cleaned out weeds, cider cans, bottles, biscuit packets and god knows what from two small raised garden areas!

  2. Well done!
    Did you get paid!!


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